(Yaaseen) 36 : 21
اتَّبِعُوا مَنْ لَا يَسْأَلُكُمْ أَجْرًا وَهُمْ مُهْتَدُونَ

“You follow those who don’t ask you for any reward, while they are straightly guided”.

An odd believer named ‘Habbeb Annajjar,’ who could not live among the wrongdoers, was living in a cave far from the city. When he learned of the opposition of the people towards the three Messengers sent to them, he hurried to them and said: “Oh people! Follow the Messengers who do not ask you for any reward, while they are rightly guided.” It is notable that no Messenger, prophet, or believer ever accepted any reward for propagating the Lord’s Message, Adhikr, and they were all guided by Adhikr. See explanation 25:57; 36:3-4.